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Dec. 19, 2024

2024 Game Awards Highlights - Lets Talk Nightreign

In this episode of the GZ Chop, hosts ProjektItachi and Warnurse discuss the recent Game Awards, highlighting winners and notable announcements for upcoming titles. They delve into the excitement surrounding upcoming games like Elden Ring Nightreign and The Witcher 4, addressing the controversies and fan reactions. The episode also spotlights the indie game Betamax, discussing its unique gameplay mechanics.

Magic Mind sponsored this episode. Try the 7-day challenge with Projektitachi and enhance your focus, and mental clarity, while reducing stress with Magic Mind's mental performance shots. Visit and use CODE: CHOPSHOP20 at checkout to get 48% off your first subscription or 20% off a one-time purchase.


  • The year 2024 has been a significant one for the podcast.
  • Disappointment in the gaming community's reaction to the Game Awards.
  • Racism and sexism in gaming are prevalent issues that need addressing.
  • Fanservice in anime is often misunderstood by new fans.
  • The new generation of anime fans is changing the landscape negatively.
  • PC Game Pass offers value for testing games before purchase.
  • There should be a dedicated horror game of the year category.
  • It's important to address issues in the community rather than ignore them.
  • Listener feedback is crucial for the podcast's growth.
  • The podcast has seen success in the charts thanks to its audience.



00:00 Introduction and Podcast Kickoff

05:37 Game Awards Highlights and Controversies

11:37 Elden Ring: New Game Plus and DLC Discussion

21:05 The Legacy of From Software Games

29:51 Female Protagonists in Gaming

35:09 Exciting New Game Releases

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Projektitachi (00:21.6)
What is up, everybody? Welcome back to what is the last episode of the GZ Chop Shop for 2024? I you guys probably panicked. I thought it was the last episode forever. No, this is the final episode for the year. And what year it's been? We got a year in review.

Warnurse (00:43.707)
longest decade I've ever had this past year.

Projektitachi (00:47.136)
Yeah, so going to be doing a little year review. Just some conversation pieces for you guys. It's I don't know why. Like every time we have our final episode of the year, it's like saying goodbye in a weird way. It's it's but we've if you guys have been with us from the beginning, you know how far the show has come. And we definitely had a lot more planned and in store for you guys in 2025 and beyond. So.

Yeah, we're going to be kicking off this episode and just kind of diving right in. But talking about ending the year last night when I was playing Marvel rivals with the with the boys, Trent, our good buddy, Trent, he asked me, he was like, he's like, hey, man, I've been listening to your podcast. does that does that magic mind really work? And I was like.

Yeah, yeah, dude, it really, it really does work like because we were getting in some tense matches and I was like, man, if it wasn't for my magic mind, I'd be so stressed up right now, but I'm real calm. I'm real chill. And then he was like, does that really work? He's like, I didn't know if you were just like hyping it up or is it lip service? But it really works. And I was like, yeah, it's like ever since I'm, you know, a whole month now into it. And it's been amazing. And especially with this past week.

I've been, you know, doing a lot of emails back and forth, reaching out to sponsors, juggling the editing of the show. And for a lot of you guys that don't know, we do this all ourselves. Like there's no team behind us. It's just, it's just us for the everything you see we put out. It's just us. So when I tell you magic mine has helped, if you want the proof, just look at

Warnurse (02:23.306)
It's so tiring.

It hurts, but I love it.

Projektitachi (02:39.666)
all the YouTube videos, every episode we've done, all of this, like I said, it's just the two of us. And I have my routine. I wake up in the morning. I immediately grab my mental performance shot. I chug it down and I go have my breakfast. And then I start my day. And it's amazing. Like I said, everything on it, it's organic. It's healthy. You can have it with your coffee. actually enhances

the performance of your coffee. So you won't have that those jitters. You won't have that, you know, crash and anxiety afterwards. It's guys, I cannot stress it enough. This is not lip service. Go check it out. Magic mind dot com forward slash chop shop 20. Go grab yourself some. Try it for at least a week, at least one week.

And in case you're disappointed, they 100 % will refund you, but I promise you, you will not be disappointed. I've been on it for a whole month. I have every intention of keeping it going. Go check it out. The link will be in the description below this episode. And once again, thank you so much, Magic Mind, for sponsoring this episode.

Warnurse (03:57.046)
Well, nothing could be more disappointing than this past year and all the fans of anime and gaming.

Projektitachi (04:03.808)
Yeah, I gotta say, I... Yeah, I...

Warnurse (04:05.932)
Not all of y'all, but a of y'all.

Projektitachi (04:11.858)
I was a little disappointed to call myself a gamer within this last couple of weeks because the way everyone has been acting after the game awards, it's been gross. And then I was disappointed to call myself an anime fan because of how the anime community, so-called anime community, a good chunk of it has been acting in the last month.

Warnurse (04:22.876)
it's been disgusting.

Warnurse (04:35.008)
I was disappointed in game science with how they kind of responded to not winning the gaming awards. That disappointed me because I did enjoy Black Myth Woonkong. It was a good game. And I do feel like winning game of, or being nominated for game of the year is an amazing thing in and of itself. But their response and their kind of outburst

Projektitachi (04:44.49)

Warnurse (05:02.574)
I lost respect for them after that. Like that was just not okay. And you know, they can always come back, make another game and you never know, but it's not a good look to have dude. And then you got these, I don't know. I don't know what the demographic is of people with these, with these outbursts after the gaming awards, especially when it came to the Witcher four.

I don't know if it's just like new, if the, the backlashes sound like kids. I want to believe that they have to be kids because our generation, if you're, if you're around your thirties or a little older, I know growing up, we, didn't care if it was a male or female. We, we played the games.

we had fun. we did not complain about stuff like this. Matter of fact, we were just excited to have friends to play with a lot of the times. And I know a ton of people that were growing up that love Tomb Raider games. So I don't get it. Like I don't understand. And then there's the lore. Like they there is no way.

Anybody played The Witcher 1-2, much less the third one. I know there was multiple endings, but the main ending made it very clear that Ciri was going to take it. It's been very much part of the plot for a long time and she's special. She's not just someone who decided to follow, you know, Geralt around. She has very special abilities, very special powers.

Projektitachi (06:42.976)

Warnurse (06:55.734)
So that's why she can do certain things other people can't and drink the potions and stuff and not die. So I don't understand these these new they're not gamers, dude. They just sound like a bunch of losers when they talk like this.

Projektitachi (07:11.592)
Yeah, and the one argument that I've seen, especially with when it comes to female protagonist in games now is, well, I can't immerse myself in the role. And a lot of people are saying so you could relate and immerse yourself when you play Tomb Raider, Metroid. Like none of that makes sense. You could immerse yourself when you play Sonic. You could like.

Warnurse (07:32.91)
That sounds like one of those things like when you have nothing intelligent or useful to add to a subject or topic or argument, you just say whatever dumb shit comes out of your mouth.

Projektitachi (07:44.798)
Yeah. Speaking of, as you know, and if you guys aren't already following me on threads, you can find me there under project Hitachi. I set the gaming world ablaze a few nights ago as you saw.

Warnurse (07:58.592)
Yeah, man, you know, I work nights and I don't I'm on threads, but I don't don't mess with it a whole lot. But when I saw what you did, dude, I was like, my God. Why?

Projektitachi (08:06.549)

Projektitachi (08:15.71)
I so for context, everyone's probably wondering, I made a post and I was very, very specific because after the game awards, people have already been panning Naughty Dog's new game, Intergalactic. And everyone, a lot of these, as I refer to them as fake gamers, or they're so good at mental gymnastics and using

words that they don't understand the definition of, but makes them sound smart and making it sound like they're, let's just be honest, their sexism and racism is logical. I was just like, all right, you know what? I've had enough. You guys are hating on a game that hasn't even released yet. And when has this happened before? every time a game has a person of color as a lead.

literally every time. And they go, well, not every game. You can count the number of games that have a person of color that's a triple A game as a lead almost on one hand. And I put it that it was a hot take. So you knew it was already going to trigger people. said, fake gamers don't want immersive stories and good games. They just don't want a game that has a person of color lead ever and call it bad or woke without ever playing it. Forspoken, Assassin's Creed Shadow, now Intergalactic.

and it's not even out yet. You guys saw what Disney was doing and used it as a chance to justify your racism in gaming. It's still getting responses to this day. I stopped keeping up with all the responses it was getting.

Warnurse (09:51.054)
You know, and that's the thing too, cause what Disney did with a lot of shows, they made it very obvious that they were, they were making changes and catering to certain groups of people and it didn't work out in their favor and they did it in the very in your face kind of way. it wasn't about Disney representing anybody. They didn't care about representing anybody. They wanted to get, they wanted to give you the impression they cared and they knew what they were doing.

And when their movies started flopping, they got upset. The gaming stuff's different. Look at Concord. Concord failed as it should have, which is unfortunate because, you know, I think I told you, you zoom in to like a lot of the artwork and stuff. The artwork was actually good for that, but the way they went about it was very forceful. You can't put things in games in a forceful way.

You have to make a game that feels organic. The game doesn't feel organic. And it's not something that you would want to go on an adventure and do. And you just force things down people's throats. They're going to be able to tell the difference. And I think people have started to get confused. Like those lines have gotten blurred. And they've, they've.

it's crossed over from like the stuff that's happened in Hollywood into gaming. And now people use the word woke every time they don't agree with something.

Projektitachi (11:26.368)
Yeah, as soon as they disagree, as soon as and that and that sucks because it it's getting overly abused now in gaming. Intergalactic came out and they were like, woke and Assassin's Creed with Yosuke. And they were like, my gosh, woke. And I'm like, great. We created a way for you to, you know, say what you're really thinking in a more politically correct term that's hard to argue with.

Warnurse (11:51.576)

Projektitachi (11:55.744)
And, you know, a lot of the arguments that I was getting in threads was, well, Forspoken was a bad game. And I was like, well, I never said it was a good game. I never said any of these games were good. I just said, you guys hated on it before it even released. If you want the proof, look at Anthem. We swore up and down Anthem was going to be the destiny killer. We gave it all the praises when the signs that that game was probably going to flop were right there in the beginning. But

Warnurse (12:11.895)

Projektitachi (12:25.298)
Everyone was like, my gosh, this is going to be an amazing game, an amazing game, an amazing game, an amazing game. And it came out and it flopped and it was terrible. Then people panned it. Ghost, Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Along with 11 minute trailer with Little Wayne, barely any gameplay should have been the warning sign that that game was bad, but we all ate it up, myself included. And we were like, you know what? Give it a try. And we ate it up. We were like, this game is going to be.

amazing this game's going to be great and ate it up and then it comes out and it flops but you get a game and i said okay you want a good example of a good game that's still got critically panned before release death loop death loop i believe what 2021 game of the year that game got nominated for game of the year and everyone lost their freaking minds because they were like why this game just came on this me is terrible as blah blah it was critically panned before release it was critically panned

during its entire run, no one acknowledged the reviewers saying, hey, it's actually a good game. And they were like, nope, it's terrible. It's crap. It's trash. It's a horrible game. Got nominated for a game of the year, lost. And they were like, it was a terrible game. Now that it's past its prime, everyone's going back and playing it. They're like, wow, it's actually, it was actually a pretty good game. it was like, that's what people were trying to, what the reviewers were trying to tell you then.

Warnurse (13:48.366)
And that's the problem too, is the amount of people who are bashing games and they never played the game, nor do they intend to play the game. They're just running their mouths, man. And we get that a lot now. We get people who, and a lot of these people end up, they're influencers in some way. You don't have to have a million followers to be an influencer. Anyone can, especially with TikTok, right? You can just make a video.

Projektitachi (13:55.933)

Warnurse (14:12.622)
say your piece and that's it. And everyone's like, yeah, we agree. So you get a lot of these people that have big mouths, don't know what they're talking about. They make a video, they run their mouth and then everyone else who is the same type of mindset. It's like this, this, this like herd effect and they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. The game sucks. I didn't play it either. but I'm not gonna tell anybody that. And this is escalates and it's insane.

Projektitachi (14:32.923)

Yeah. And the other argument with Assassin's Shatter, everyone's like, my gosh, it has terrible graphics. And I'm like, look.

Warnurse (14:42.388)
That one sucked because I was actually looking forward to playing that one.

Projektitachi (14:45.246)
Yeah, and you know, just just to be personally spiteful. I'm probably going to play it because everyone's now suddenly worried about Assassin's Creed being historically accurate on location. And their biggest argument is like, well, now we're finally in Japan. Why is Yasuke there? And I'm like, you know, Yasuke is not the only one. And now you're suddenly concerned with historically accurate. And I even had someone come on threads and then they were like, well, they're, you know,

washing Japanese culture by including Askei. And I'm like, now hold on, let's not pretend. And then as much as I love the developer, I said, let's not pretend that this is suddenly a new issue because Capcom, and let's take it back to 2005, dropped Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Albert Wesker in Africa.

Projektitachi (15:42.748)
and Leon S. Kennedy in South America. So let's not pretend that this is suddenly an issue with Yasuke in Japan because Capcom did it a long time ago and they were like, well, they were main character staples. And I'm like, yeah. And they also created Sheva who should have been the main lead in Resident Evil 5 along with one of the other characters that could have been a mainstay.

Warnurse (15:42.786)

Projektitachi (16:11.936)
They relegated her to second fiddle and we've never seen her again. And nobody said a word. And when we did say something, when fellow African-Americans were like, hmm, you don't think that's a little bit much? Like we didn't get angry. We were like, it's a little sus. Like we get Leon was in South America. But we just want to know, we just want to clarify why we got super jacked.

Chris Redfield storming villages in Africa, like, explain it to us. Everyone was like, it ain't that big of a deal. You get too sensitive. And we were like, okay. Well, okay. And we backed off. And the game, and the game's over and no one has said anything. Now Assassin's Shadow Drops, Yasuke's announced he's an optional character and everyone loses their minds.

Warnurse (16:59.256)
You know.

Warnurse (17:03.298)

I never thought we get to a time and place with in gaming of all things where I'm trying to remember what Bill Burr said. He said he touched on this at one point. It was really funny. I can't remember exactly what he said, but it's like at some point like white people just started. They just like they took over what racism is supposed to mean and be.

Projektitachi (17:33.12)

Warnurse (17:34.041)
overshadowed black people.

gaslighted black people against their own racism and then just like jumped over the whole fence of oppression and took over everything. And you're wrong for thinking what racism is or isn't regardless of your skin color because these white people now know better and I can see that. We should all be able to see this. It's insane.

Projektitachi (17:41.365)

Projektitachi (18:03.996)
It's a hot mess.

Warnurse (18:05.474)
Like how, how is little Timmy at 22 years old going to school a 30 year old black guy about what racism is or isn't and then talk about whitewashing Japanese culture? What? And then, and then you got Dan to Dan because that poor voice actor and got shit on by the Japanese. And then who came to the Japanese defense?

Projektitachi (18:18.752)

Warnurse (18:35.061)

Projektitachi (18:39.572)

Warnurse (18:40.77)
I teach y'all to get upset about other things like health insurance in this company or health insurance companies in the country or, you know, rights that we have in general, they do something productive. Fix racism here. Fix it here. Stop whitewashing whatever pointing fingers at other countries. don't care. make Japan makes anime to be honest. I don't give a fuck what they do. I don't.

Projektitachi (19:05.119)

Warnurse (19:10.498)
That's their country. They can do what they want. It's not. It's not my problem. Just give me anime. I don't give a shit. Stop talking about whitewash. With racism is a major problem in our own country.

Projektitachi (19:21.664)
Did you know exactly cuz

Because you saw it in my threads and I said, everyone's trying to act like it doesn't exist and they were trying to deflect. And I'm like, just read the comments under videos, just.

Warnurse (19:36.768)
I don't like being involved in social media banter, but that shit was pretty wild.

Projektitachi (19:41.6)
It was well and I did it on purpose because I knew people they can't help themselves. They're going to show their true colors.

Warnurse (19:53.452)
But yeah, it's the whole like, it's the protection of the screen and the internet and the keyboard and you can't really do anything. It's wild to me. Like, I cannot get over defending the whitewashing of Japanese culture. But anytime a black man gets shot by a police officer or something, I'm just saying, like, everyone's quiet.

Projektitachi (20:01.652)

Projektitachi (20:18.697)

Warnurse (20:21.64)
All or nothing, either be either be mega racist across the board, right? Consistently just do that or back up everybody. Like pick one side. Don't be weird about it. That's all I'm saying. Jesus Christ.

Projektitachi (20:33.694)

And speaking of picking and choosing, coming back to Dandan, the season wrapped up and everyone who's read the manga knew what this current episode is. I'm not going to try to get too many spoilers, but I remember there was the whole argument about like Dandan being super fanservice. And I'm like, do you guys know what fanservice truly is? Like, yeah, there's.

Warnurse (21:00.526)
They can't they see some underwear and they're like, fan service. I'm like, what are you talking about? Has a woman ever touched you because that's not fan service.

Projektitachi (21:04.671)
Yeah. And then they'll be and then they'll argue. be like.

And the argument also beat up like, well, they're in high school. And I'm like, obviously you haven't paid attention to anime because this is not a new genre. If anything, Dandodan is tame compared to the anime of the early 2000s and 90s. Tenshi Muiyo, he wasn't he was in high school. That was fan service. And then went on for how many spin offs and Cirque like.

Warnurse (21:25.934)
and incredibly tame. Yeah.

Projektitachi (21:38.684)
And we loved it. Tension Million is one of my favorite animes of all time because the story was just amazing. And the fanservice was just a bonus. But Dan and Anne, and you know, it's the conversation of Momo and they were like the first episode, shocking. I'm like, OK, cool. Then you better not watch Goblin Slayer. And the last episode, they're like, my gosh. And you know, I fell off the. And I fell. I'm sorry if you're offended by me.

making fun of you, but that's how you guys sound in my head. I'm sorry. I fell off because it was so much fan service and it was just, and I'm like, well, it is a mature rated show, first of all. So that's why reading is fundamental. It says right there.

Warnurse (22:23.532)
These same people would watch Game of Thrones and then complain about nudity in Game of Thrones when it's rated what it is, like, and the books are what they are. I'm not saying that, you know, things should like be that graphic, but if somebody makes their version of art and they put it out there and people want to watch it or read it, that's fine. As long as it's, you know, rated.

Projektitachi (22:27.55)
That's what I'm thinking. I'm like, do you think?

Warnurse (22:48.654)
and you know, you, you see it's rated for mature 14 or whatever the rating is. Don't be mad when you watch something that's rated for mature and someone takes their shirt off, but has a bra on and it's cause they're in the water. Like what?

Projektitachi (23:05.312)
That's not even what ticks me off about the fact it's that they're picking and choosing the fights that they're getting in because they're only upset when things happen to Momo. Because I paid attention. They complained about the first episode fanservice. They complain about episode 12. But when Okuren was running around for almost two whole episodes and he was the target of getting the banana snatched. And if you watch Dan and then you know about that reference. Nobody said a word.

Warnurse (23:31.012)
yeah, yeah, crickets.

Projektitachi (23:35.092)
There was no complaints. There was no justice for Okonron. The man, he was the target. And people forget he's been the target a couple of times. Yeah, no one complained when Turbo Granny was after him.

Warnurse (23:44.334)
No, he's getting traumatized left and right. And despite the traumatizing, he's choosing to toughen up for her sake. He's choosing to deal with it and be stronger and tough it up. And nobody's addressing that.

Projektitachi (23:54.996)

Projektitachi (24:01.792)
Nobody's addressing it and everyone is like basically like, why does this constantly keep happening in the moment? And I'm like, it constantly keeps happening in Okeran too. Why are you guys not addressing that complaint? Is it because he's a male? So he's OK. It's not that serious of an issue. Like you guys are being really two faced on this because you're talking about episode one, episode 12, but you're not talking about like seven and eight where he literally was the target.

You guys are picking and choosing your issues here.

Warnurse (24:36.834)
I can understand that there are some animes that might be a little too much with the fan service. I can understand that. I've talked about it before, that fairy tale really pushes it. But fairy tale also does like a really good job at the storytelling and just the fun, the funness of it. It's just a.

Projektitachi (24:55.36)
They also have a gigantic fandom that won't tolerate slander.

Warnurse (24:59.662)
And it's like, yeah, like, I just don't understand if you don't like something, then go read it if you don't want to watch it or go do something else. But to call Dan to Dan fan service is just so wrong and is so incorrect. And it's these new fans, dude. It's these new anime fans. I.

Projektitachi (25:20.874)
There is... Yeah.

Yeah, it's the issue of.

Warnurse (25:26.122)
I stand them. really can't. I tolerated the My Hero Academia fandom and I had a hard time watching that show because the fans had gotten on my nerves so much. I just didn't want anything to do with it. And that's kind of what they're doing. They're like ruining shit for other people that are like actually there to watch the story.

Projektitachi (25:48.948)
I think because a lot, once they found out that the American market is a huge portion of sales for anime from Japan, the new fan base started thinking that, because of that, we are, should determine the direction things go.

Warnurse (26:09.786)
Which is great because so far their say doesn't matter because no one cares. You're going to watch it anyways or not watch it. If you do get upset, all you're doing is building the show up and getting them views and numbers and more people interested.

Projektitachi (26:25.236)
I just wish people could just like for me, everyone knows you guys have constantly tried. You guys are like, you're like, hey, you should watch one piece. You should watch one piece. And I'm like, one piece isn't my thing. But have you once ever heard me bash one piece? I have my own gripes with one piece. But guess what? They're my personal gripes. I'm not going to go on social media and be like, here's the reason one piece sucks. Why? That's my personal gripe.

Warnurse (26:49.098)
I really do think, dude, I think it's because up until 2020, the fans that existed for the most part were fans that had always been fans for the most part. And we had an appreciation for anime. And a lot of it was because we didn't really talk about it at work. I still don't really talk about it at work.

Projektitachi (27:00.192)

Warnurse (27:12.898)
you didn't talk about it in school. These are just things that like you did, like you got weird looks and like, well, you like, it's just something you don't want to deal with. you just wanted to have your own nerdy thing and be left alone. And the friends that you did have that were into that stuff, all shared, shared similar nerdy hobbies. didn't bash the shows. Like I never grew up bashing shows. We, talked about them, like which character was better, which character could take another character or, know,

what if this or X, Y, Z happened or whatever the case, but it was all like fun, enjoyable stuff. was never like shitting on an entire person or another person's like hobby or show or being so negative. And this new generation of anime fans and, and gamers are ruining everything. They're so unpleasant and unenjoyable to listen to and be around and hear.

and everything that they're touching and talking about is... I thank God that the anime is not coming from American studios. Thank God that they can talk all they want and it comes from overseas and they don't care what we say. Because they would just be catering to them and changing the entire thing. And then it would cease being the stuff that we loved.

Projektitachi (28:11.445)

Projektitachi (28:39.252)
Yeah, no, I entirely agree. It's a it's a hot mess right now. But you know, what do you guys think? Do you agree? Were you one of the commenters on my threads? Were you were you? Did you understand my viewpoint? Did you disagree with my viewpoint? Let us know. But yeah, it's a it's a hot mess right now. But on a slightly different note, we have a had a great opportunity.

Warnurse (28:55.288)
really defensive about the threads.

Projektitachi (29:08.873)
which is gonna be strangely weird to talk about, especially with how much we aren't super duper like fans of the Microsoft as a whole, but we had a chance to be partnered with their PC Game Pass to try it out, you know, explore the library of games. And I wrote an article on it. So if you guys are curious on my thoughts on it,

There is an article I'll include that in the episode description as well. You guys can go read about my time with it, but I will say my overall opinion hasn't changed. If you're mainly a PC gamer, you can find some value in it, but mainly because they don't have a lot of their games on Steam.

And I went to look to compare because I mainly would use steam. use steam. So I went looking. I said, well, if I can get Gears of War on steam, there's really no reason for me to use Game Pass. But they did have, you know, they only had Gears of War five and I think tactics. didn't have the classic, which is the favorite. I had to go on PC Game Pass for that. I had to go on PC Game Pass for, you know, some of the

Halo's and I obviously had to, you use it to play Indiana Jones without paying the full price. That is one of the perks. I didn't have to pay full price on Steam for the games. Day one. Sounds appealing. I personally don't see a difference between day one, day two, day three, especially if you're a working person like you're probably not getting to play a game.

Day one like yeah, you might get to play it for an hour or two, but it sounds appealing. So it's a huge selling point and I For the most part for me the biggest appeal of the PC game pass was getting to play some of the classic games that I lost access to Because I no longer have an Xbox so it was nice getting my hands on the classic Gears of War all the halos I am a fan of Hellblade. I was upset when it went

Projektitachi (31:33.024)
Exclusive for the second one, but you know, I got the chance to add that to my library and play that so that is is nice so if you're a fan of Some of the Microsoft Studios some of the students they have under their banner for Xbox now And you want to try games before you buy them? I will say PC game pass is good for that if you're trying like if you want to test starfield

and get a good amount of starfield in or indiana jones and you don't want to pay the 70 price point up front then yes it's probably a good investment just for for that other other than that like i said my opinion is widely unchanged but i also feel the same way about playstation plus like i mainly am a console gamer and i use playstation plus but i have the same feelings towards that as well because

As much as they cycle their catalog, I'm kind of like, you know, there's a game and I grab it and then it's locked in a couple of months because I don't know if it's a licensing thing or they just want people to buy it. And then I no longer have access to play it. And I'm like, well, that's kind of what I'm paying for was to be able to just play that game. I don't want to feel rushed to play a game because you guys are cycling through the catalog, like put it in a catalog, leave it in the catalog. People who love the game and want

a licensed ownership, they're going to buy it. I still buy games after I've played them on plus because I want the licensed ownership or the licensed long term access to it. However you want to, you know, phrase it in that time. But I was talking to Burn yesterday and I was looking at the catalog and I was like, man, they remove so many games. Why? Like this, especially when the portal is getting

Warnurse (33:27.222)

Projektitachi (33:28.48)
Cloud access. This is not the time to be removing games. This is the time to be adding.

Warnurse (33:34.2)
Well, you got to think too, I see this almost pretty much every time, like this time of the year, every year with Game Pass, PlayStation, Premium and Plus. They take a lot of games off and it seems like there's less games on it because there is and it's to get people to buy the games around the holidays. It's the same reason, they do the same thing with...

Projektitachi (33:55.273)
Yep, that's what I was thinking.

Warnurse (34:00.044)
Like if anyone has a like Fandango, Voodoo, for, or you purchase digital movies at any time, they do the same thing with that. They also do this thing where if a new sequel is coming out and the sequel hasn't been out in like 10 years or something, they'll take the original movie or the original two movies off the streaming service. So you won't be able to purchase it anymore or rent it.

Projektitachi (34:10.794)

Warnurse (34:29.814)
And then whenever they drop the sequel, they'll offer for you to either purchase all three of them together for a pretty big price or only the sequel. And they'll do that for a while.

Projektitachi (34:43.594)

which is gross. And I see that happen with a lot of classic games too, because I'll look and I'll be like, I could have sworn this game was cheaper, but as soon as the sequel is announced or something, the price of that classic game is suddenly almost the same price as a new game. And I'm like, this doesn't, this doesn't look right.

Warnurse (34:47.937)

Warnurse (35:04.238)
I would like to end the year on this note because I'm going to begin the year on the next note. Can I, for the love of God, have some kind of remake of the Legend of the Jagoon and Nightmare Creatures? Please.

Projektitachi (35:21.728)
Projektitachi (35:26.176)
You be waiting a long time for that buddy. A long time.

Warnurse (35:26.325)

Warnurse (35:31.631)
All these games, all these games out there, all this tech, like somebody find a way to do it.

Projektitachi (35:35.818)
Didn't we figure out who had the license to nightmare creatures now? And we were kind of disappointed because we were like, they were like, not doing great. Wasn't it Warner Brothers wound up getting the license? Someone.

Warnurse (35:47.66)
I forget, we looked it up at some point, but the license is gone. Like it's unattainable for the most part, seemingly legend of the Jaguans. Same thing. No one like the, the rights are unattainable. Like the companies that made these games went under and then people left it like the, can't really get, so I don't know how they would do it if they even could, but.

Projektitachi (35:52.254)
It's yeah.

Warnurse (36:14.892)
They say money, you throw enough money at something you can make it happen, Come on, I want an open world nightmare creatures game for the love of God.

Projektitachi (36:25.352)
Nightmare Creatures making come back would be amazing, especially in the era of remakes. This is the perfect time because we are all about remakes right now. This would be the time to do it. You know, let's let's the horror genre gets no appreciation. I want a horror game of the year category at the game. It's like like.

Like Resident Evil got to slide in there as a game of the year contender, but there's no reason there shouldn't be a category for horror game. Like it's niche, but.

Warnurse (36:58.112)
I just don't think enough of them come out each year. It just wouldn't be much of a competition.

Projektitachi (37:03.496)
Yeah, I guess people are just too scared. one can dream. But anyway, yeah, a little more impactful for end of the year episode. But you know what? That's sometimes you got to have those. got to you got to say the quiet parts out loud and address the issues instead of pretending that they don't exist. I think that's part of the problem. A lot of people who don't want to get wrapped up in the drama don't realize by

letting the people who want drama constantly have their way, it just creates more because then they eventually get their way because then people start thinking that they speak for the masses and they don't. So, you know, and we've got a perfect platform to be like, look, we get it. All these influencers are saying X, Y, Z as if they speak for all of us. They don't. They don't. We quiet folks are here, too. We have feelings on the matters as well.

But let us know your thoughts. also, guys, we officially have a survey on our website. So if you haven't already joined our Discord community, you can find the link in the episode description. We have a survey for what you guys think about the show. Do you love it? Do you hate it? You know, it's all in the survey. It's our 2024 wrap up. We'd love to hear from you guys. So go and please fill out that survey. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can find.

everything, all the links to all of our social medias, including our store at GZ Chop Chop Podcast dot com. You guys will get a 20 percent discount for completing the survey to our store. So go and fill it out. It's only going to take you a few minutes and it's totally going to be worth it. going to help improve the podcast. Let us know what direction we should take it in 2025. So it would mean a lot to us for filling it out. And also thank you guys for getting us up into the top 100 on

good pods in the anime and tech slash gaming categories. are climbing that we've been climbing the charts all through this year. We're in the top 100 across both of those categories. And that's thanks to you guys constantly tuning in and listening. So you made our 20, 24 very, very special. And don't forget to go grab yourself some magic mind, magic forward slash chop chop 20 to get yourself a discount. Try it.

Projektitachi (39:28.04)
You will love it. I promise. I've been using it all month. It's totally worth it. Not just lip service, but anyway, I think that's everything. I think I've done all the last of the end of the year promos and all of that. So take care of yourself and each other and we will catch all you wonderful people next year for the first of the year episode of the GZ Chop Shop Podcast. Happy holidays.

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