East Amasia Blends PvE With PvP
SYNDUALITY Echoes of Ada fans are getting their first content update. Starting February 6th, players will have access to East Amasia. This new area will combine the Northern & Southern Zones, allowing the mecha extraction shooter to truly embrace its PvEvPvP style. However, there is a catch as only players who have completed enough in-game requests will gain access to the new area. You can watch the Season 1 update trailer below.
This isn’t exactly a bad thing as players have complained about rampant “teaming” occurring in the Southern Zones that seems unsuspecting players being attacked by bandit players while having an association member with them, further complicating how solo players can deal with these types of players. Association players must be careful about engaging other players, as attacking a player in good standing can see you getting a swift boot from the association guild, whereas, bandit players can fire away without this concern.
While it is possible to avoid most PvP situations, even the most experienced drifters have a chance of running into a group of online bandits and losing their hard-earned loot. While Bandai Namco has not directly addressed the issue, it’s still very early in the game’s life to expect any major changes until more content is rolled out. The update also brings some bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements you can find listed below.
- East Amasia added (unlock through completing new requests)
- New Requests added
- New Crafting Recipes added
- Hit Marker Position Display option added
- Weapon and Enemy stagger amounts adjusted
- Adjustments and bug fixes to the online map
- Some Garage cutscenes adjusted
- Some enemy behavior and visuals adjusted
- Some game parameters adjusted for balance
- Some visuals for Materials adjusted
- Some text adjusted
- Additional bug fixes
SYNDUALITY Echoes of ADA is a third-person mecha extraction shooter set in the world of the SYNDUALITY anime. The game blends PvE with PvP in a beautiful world that sees players mining and fighting for resources to improve their own CRADDLECOFFINS and base.
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