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Jan. 23, 2025

Castlevania Nocturne - Did Netflix Drop The Ball?

In this episode, hosts Projektitachi and Warnurse dive into the latest installment of the Castlevania series, 'Nocturne', discussing their expectations and the reality of the show. They explore the differences in writing and character development compared to the original series, highlighting the impact of changes in the creative team. The conversation then shifts to the Ys series, a long-standing RPG franchise, where they discuss its convoluted timelines and the unique storytelling approach of the games. In this conversation, the speakers delve into the complexities of the Ys game series, discussing its chronological order, gameplay mechanics, and connections to other game franchises. They also explore the convoluted timelines of various game series, particularly focusing on Ash Ketchum from Pokémon and the theories surrounding his character and age. The discussion highlights the nostalgia associated with these games and the challenges of understanding their narratives.



00:00 Introduction to the Jeezy Chop Chop Podcast

04:10 Castlevania Nocturne: Expectations vs. Reality

21:55 Exploring the Ys Series and Gaming Timelines

28:51 Exploring the Yeast Game Series

35:21 Chronological Order and Gameplay Mechanics

39:23 The Complexity of Game Timelines

44:05 Ash Ketchum: Theories and Speculations



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Projektitachi (00:21.122)
What is up everybody? Welcome back to another week of the GZ Chop Shop Podcast. I'm your host, Project Itachi I know why Warnurse is laughing.

Warnurse (00:31.55)
if PTSD from accidentally.

Projektitachi (00:33.956)
I have a yeah, you know when you you got to do all this on your own and you make mistakes sometimes okay guys We had a little mishap with the first time we did the intro. I I Messed up the intro. I messed up the intro that you guys didn't hear. Okay, so don't worry about it. It never happened Anyway moving on I do have like some PTSD from that now. So thanks

Warnurse (00:47.342)
He fucked up the intro.

Projektitachi (01:06.446)
We're gonna, we're gonna have some interesting conversations today. We're gonna talk a little movies. We're gonna talk a little anime and speaking of anime, you asked me yesterday and you were like, Hey, I need some suggestions for high dive and being the good friend that I am. I went and I perused.

Warnurse (01:09.363)
yeah, we are.

Warnurse (01:25.41)
I've been neglecting high dive.

Projektitachi (01:27.116)
Yeah. So I,

Warnurse (01:30.026)
Did you just say perusing again?

Projektitachi (01:31.844)
Yes, I was waiting to wonder if you want to address the perusing. I was going to be like the word of the day is now perusing. I will never stop using that word. I'm sorry. Not sorry. How much how much of a degenerate do you feel like being today?

Warnurse (01:36.91)
I'm so tired of you using that word. Okay, go ahead.

Warnurse (01:49.102)
Alright, full blown. What do you got for me?

Projektitachi (01:50.724)
All right. I have two anime for you. And I am sure that those of the degenerate anime community, myself included, know these very well. And they're new. They are new. So the first one is I'm living with an otaku neat Konoichi.

Warnurse (01:54.338)

Warnurse (02:08.6)
I don't know what any of those words mean.

Projektitachi (02:13.942)
I will say this, and this is all I'm gonna say on the previous topic we had talked about. Both of these animes I'm gonna name for you are definitely comedic fan service animes. I didn't look up any reviews, I didn't look anything up. I walked in completely blind and I was like, this is where we're at on high dive. And this one, the first one I gave you, the Kanoichi one,

is definitely the more mild of the two that I'm going to give you, but it is really good. yeah, the second one's going to be, yeah, second one's going to be worse.

Warnurse (02:48.578)
When you say degenerate.

Warnurse (02:54.316)
Okay. I'm just going to go into this. I know more details. I'm just going to go into it and then I'll get back to you. Like at some point on what I'm sorry, I'm struggling more than I thought it would right now. no full disclosure. I did something super white. Ty's not here to like appreciate it though. Cause he would have had a field day with this. Would you like to guess what it is?

Projektitachi (03:03.328)
I love that.

That's what you get for making fun of me with the intro.

Projektitachi (03:20.225)
my goodness. No, I feel like this show dynamic would change.

Warnurse (03:23.276)
I'm living with a cano- cano- canochi? canochi? cano- cano- canochi? am I- how do you say it? canochi? canochi? anime? okay. I'll check it out. so-

Projektitachi (03:26.34)
Can I cheat?

You can do it. Konoichi.

Projektitachi (03:34.628)
All right.

Warnurse (03:37.77)
Okay, so I stopped at Bucky's on the way here. I was like, what's the most like American Texan thing I can do on the way home? Stop at Bucky's. Okay, I don't go there very often, but I wanted some beef jerky. They had a beef jerky I've never had before.

Projektitachi (03:54.916)

Warnurse (04:00.203)
It's a.

Warnurse (04:04.45)
Ghost pepper, beef jerky. Well, I don't know, but this is where it gets extra like really white. You're gonna love this. You know what I'm drinking with it?

Projektitachi (04:05.464)
Why would you do that?

Projektitachi (04:16.014)
Don't say milk.

Warnurse (04:24.876)
Mmm milk

Projektitachi (04:30.532)
Well, that's what you get. That's what you get. All right. Are you ready for the second one?

Warnurse (04:32.684)

Warnurse (04:37.164)
What's the second one?

Projektitachi (04:38.116)
The second one is very unassuming, it's called Behineko, the elf girl's cat is secretly an S ranked monster.

Warnurse (04:47.01)
Why are these titles so long? Okay.

Projektitachi (04:53.346)
Now nobody tell him what this show is about. He's gonna go in blind and then he'll tell us next time.

Warnurse (04:58.031)
Sorry again

I'm writing it on my list. Say it again.

Projektitachi (05:02.85)
Yep. OK, so it is called Behet Neko. Basically, it's an acronym of Behemoth and Neko. The elf girl's cat is secretly an S-rank monster. Those are your two new anime for high dive.

Warnurse (05:22.914)
We'll shorthand that. Okay, I'll give him a try. I'm not going to look it up. I just wrote it down on my list. Jesus Christ.

Projektitachi (05:32.332)
Yep. And everyone who has watched it currently, because they're new, so they're not finished yet, I will not be taking questions and we listen and we don't judge. That is all. So, yeah, take take your sip of milk, man. Just I don't. my gosh. I don't know why you would give yourself ghost peppers before the pie.

Warnurse (05:58.743)
My eyes hurt.

Projektitachi (06:00.066)
That's what you get. So in the same vein of

Warnurse (06:01.806)
But not as bad as my mouth. Breathing hurts. What's next?

Projektitachi (06:13.988)
In the same vein of air bay ghost of Tsushima

Warnurse (06:21.583)
yeah, 2027 right? Crunchyroll. What studio or do we know yet?

Projektitachi (06:22.454)
Legend yep, 2027 they're gonna drop an anime.

So a lot of the details are still being worked on. As far as I know, it's Aniplex in partnership with Sony is working on the anime. sorry if I butchered the name, but Takanobu Mizuno, who did Star Wars Visions, the dual episode, will direct the series at Kamikaze Doga.

with Gen Urobuchi writing the story composition. And yeah, right here it says the anime will be produced in collaboration with Annie Pilex with Sony Music serving as music and soundtrack partner. But who is on the staff and cast was not announced at the time. But yeah, it's supposed to be rolling out in twenty twenty seven. So.

Warnurse (07:20.982)
Anyplex? man, it's gonna be, they're gonna be flashy. Anyplex, any place can make like the worst storyline, but the most like on the animation. So yeah, it's probably gonna be, it's probably gonna be pretty dope.

Projektitachi (07:33.762)
Yeah, the most visually appealing.

Projektitachi (07:40.034)
I think it's going to be pretty good as long as they don't try to change too much. Who owns it? That is a good question.

Warnurse (07:44.162)
Who funds Aniplex? who, yeah, who owns Aniplex? Because somebody is, every time they drop an anime, somebody is like, what's the budget? And they're like, it doesn't matter what the budget is. And they just give them infinite, just do what you want.

Projektitachi (08:01.462)
It doesn't matter.

well, this is funny. I just learned something new. Sony Music Entertainment Japan Incorporated owns Antiplex.

Warnurse (08:14.062)
So why are they making so many shitty movies?

Are they putting their whole budget into just animes? All the budgets are just going into animations and animes. And then they just put out like shitty movies.

Projektitachi (08:29.954)
I think it depends on what branch is working on it because there's there's different branches of Antiplex. You have Antiplex of America and I'm sure they've got other branches working on it. So probably depends on the branch that is taking charge of it. Who knows? But yeah, Ghost of Tsushima is going to have an anime in 2027 and that actually made me get back into it, which we I wrote a blog on it. So if you guys want some more details, you can

Warnurse (08:43.021)

Projektitachi (08:59.672)
visit our website,, and read the blog on it for more information. And this all came out during Sony's CES 2025, I guess you could call it Expo Convention, whatever they wanted to call it. Basically, it was their tech talk where they reveal a lot of projects and stuff that they're working on. And it seems like Sony is really focused on turning games into

movies and full series spinoffs.

Warnurse (09:32.962)
I think, you know, the anime route with games is a good route to go down. Because the live actions just don't translate well. They're not done very well for the most part. Castlevania was a great example. I know people have their problems with it, but the first Castlevania, so good, so good.

Projektitachi (09:39.277)
I agree.

Projektitachi (09:51.652)
Kasumi is phenomenal.

Warnurse (10:01.752)
The writing was insanely good. thought, I thought the writing was awesome. Nocturne, I was mixed about. I didn't dislike it. I just, I think what I didn't like about it was that they made the Belmont this time, like Richter. They made him, I just didn't like that scene where he like pissed himself damn near and ran away. Like it just bothered me that, yeah. Like it just bothered me that he was portrayed like that because he like,

Projektitachi (10:24.162)
Ran from his mother's. So yeah.

Warnurse (10:31.618)
Lore wise, he's like one of the best. And I get like, there's nothing wrong with like a, you know, a story where he has to overcome things. just, I just didn't like that they did that. I thought it was strange.

Projektitachi (10:43.82)
I think, I think, and this is just my opinion. There's no facts backing it. I'm just judging it off of certain tendencies that Netflix and Disney tend to have that Castlevania, the first season didn't suffer from, but it seemed like they leaned a little too hard into a nocturne. And I'm hoping that they balance it out in season two of nocturne is with

You know, Richter, they it looked like they really wanted to have Richter take a backseat.

Warnurse (11:20.552)
Yeah. But it's about the Belmonts and Dracula. It's never been about anyone. There are other people that are involved inside characters that matter. But yeah, yeah. I'm hoping in the second season it's coming out, what, in five days on the 19th. So.

Projektitachi (11:25.57)
It's about the Belmots.

Projektitachi (11:37.73)

Projektitachi (11:44.152)

So I hope they of course correct a little bit on that because it seemed like they were trying to do a strong push because in the first season, Trevor and I cannot remember her name. They wound up getting married in the end. The balance between those two was perfect. He could not accomplish his mission without her and they needed each other just as much.

Warnurse (12:15.726)
They were they were flushed out and were very equal in terms of like Like what they were doing and a lot of screen time and stuff and they worked well together But you know what the first season the nocturne there was it was also very heavy on backstories And Maybe the first season is just gonna be a lot of that like world building and backstories and the second season we have a la carte coming in and maybe a la carte is gonna be like you're a Belmont. What are you doing like?

Projektitachi (12:30.808)

Projektitachi (12:45.228)
Yeah, maybe about maybe he can course correct him. But Seifah, that was her name. Seifah Seifah. I liked how that how they they had that balanced chemistry. I do feel with Nocturne, they tried to lean. Like you said, there was a lot of backstory, but I also feel they tried to lean too heavily the opposite way. Like they included Richter to have a Belmont. But then they kind of were like, but we don't want it to be about a Belmont. We we wanted, which is what Castlevania is about.

Warnurse (12:47.586)
So we'll see though, we'll see. Yes, yeah, Cypher.

Warnurse (13:05.72)

Warnurse (13:10.476)
Which is what Castlevania is. It's about the Belmonts.

Projektitachi (13:14.692)
And I'm like, OK, not seeing what's not understanding what's happening here. And I the scene you were talking about where he ran away from his mother's killer and freaked out. And, you know, that was a very heavily debated scene. A lot of people are like, you know, WTF, what the heck's going on? That scene bothered me as well. But for a different reason was because.

I get they were trying to show that these other characters were tough enough and holding their ground, but the fact that they constantly through the series were ignoring Richter's warnings. When he constantly told them, this guy is a danger. He is a problem. We see him, we run. And they refused to listen to him. And then when things went sideways, they blamed him.

Warnurse (14:04.246)

Projektitachi (14:12.324)
for things going sideways when he said, this guy is going to be a problem. We need to run if we run into him. And I'm like, if, yeah, there you go. And I'm like, if I see a ball mount running the other way, oh yeah.

Warnurse (14:12.461)

Warnurse (14:19.382)
Right. all rocks. Yeah. And I actually like how they, I did like how they betrayed him. He, they, they, nailed him pretty good as far as like his aesthetic. And I feel like kind of his, don't want to like, like swagger a little bit. Like he has like a way about them, but, but yeah, I am. We'll see how they do it. But, I think they'll call it course correct a little bit.

Projektitachi (14:32.152)
demeanor. Yeah.

Projektitachi (14:42.34)
I think they will as long as Netflix doesn't try to take too many liberties because they had it successful.

Warnurse (14:47.35)
I want that grit. It was just it was missing the kind of grit that the first Castlevania had. But anyways, anyways, let's. I could talk about this all day.

Projektitachi (14:56.75)
So next thing that came up, Sony once again working in the media limelight, Helldivers is getting a movie.

I do not know if it's gonna be CG, animated or live action. I assume it's gonna be live action because Helldivers...

Warnurse (15:15.52)
I hope so. I mean, I am so excited for this.

Projektitachi (15:18.604)
I am too, to be completely honest, I am too. And I'm going to guess it's gonna be live action because it's heavily inspired by Starship Troopers. So it would only make sense to make it live action to do it justice.

Warnurse (15:32.03)
I always, I always, always, always love a reason to talk about starship troopers. People, if you have never watched the movie starship troopers from 1997, I highly recommend it. It is amazing. Okay. I'm, it is not, it is not, award winning in any way. You're not, this is not an Oscar movie. Okay. But it is, it is amazing.

Projektitachi (15:47.065)
Man, we're old.

Warnurse (16:02.164)
And I don't think you'll be disappointed if you have seen the movie. You might not have ever read the book. I don't know that many people who have read the book. The book is by Robert Heinen, and it was actually written in 1959, I think. And it's it is not satire like the like the movie is. It's very it's more of like a huh?

Projektitachi (16:26.153)
It's isn't it? It's more political, isn't it?

Warnurse (16:29.078)
It's more of a political essay and it was very controversial. And actually one of the main reasons the movie was made satirical was because too many people and entities during production and during their initial writing periods were like, no, like we cannot make this movie. So I'm glad they did what they did. And I love that Helldivers leans into that and they...

They're like, we were influenced by this. We obviously were. And the game's amazing. So I can't wait to see the movie. I hope they just run with it. Just freaking have a blast.

Projektitachi (17:04.8)
And the game has seen a resurgence.

Projektitachi (17:09.668)
I could see them having a blast with it because it doesn't take itself too seriously anyway. So it's kind of like they have a little bit more free rein with it. I know it's possible, but I'm going to go out on hope here that there's almost no way for them to screw it up. I know it's possible, but I'm going to say because, and that's what I'm thinking. I'm like, because it's

Warnurse (17:15.022)

Warnurse (17:34.818)
There's no way to screw it There really isn't a way to screw it up.

Projektitachi (17:39.488)
influenced by satire. And it's a joke of itself. So it's kind of like you can pretty much do anything with it, you know, and the game just had a huge resurgence. So there's a chance for more fans to come in because I know fans were disappointed for a good while with some of the changes and updates and stuff. Held, Everest was dropping and then they brought in the Illuminati and now it's seeing a resurgence. So everyone's playing again. So.

Warnurse (17:39.49)
The entire game's a joke. Yeah.

Projektitachi (18:08.228)
Helldivers movie that was not on my bingo card, but I am totally for it. I'm like, I'm like, yeah.

Warnurse (18:13.326)
Yeah. As a matter of fact, it's about time I'm, I haven't checked out the, DLC I, guys, full, full disclosure here. I got, started playing satisfactory again, cause the game finally released the game finally released in full. It's not quite the same game as it was before the invite, like the factory building is plus plus some,

Projektitachi (18:33.06)

Warnurse (18:41.612)
But the creatures and the environment and some of the hazards, they buffed everything. I honestly thought the creatures were gonna get nerfed. But anyways, I have been, really into Satisfactory right now. It's very, very just meditative and enjoyable.

Projektitachi (18:52.58)
Then went the opposite direction with that.

Projektitachi (19:02.628)
I like. Can we get sponsored by satisfactory? No, satisfactory is an enjoyable game. I just you just have to be in a like I want to say like a good mental state to play. Like you can't have a fried brain like I've had for like the last two weeks. Like because there's there's math involved, like when you get really into it, you're you're you might as well be balancing equations.

Warnurse (19:03.768)
They're not paying me to say this. I wish they were. It probably sounded like an ad.

Warnurse (19:23.134)

Projektitachi (19:31.94)
and have an engineering degree. But it's so fun and enjoyable to learn those things as you're playing through the game. So hopefully I can get my mind right and get back into it.

Warnurse (19:45.676)
The the hell divers what when is it coming out? Did they did they have a?

Projektitachi (19:49.42)
I don't believe they have a release date for the Helldivers movie yet. It's supposed to go into production.

Warnurse (19:52.514)
Let's take a gander. here we go. Into production. So this year it's going into production. OK. Well, well, well. Man, Helldivers 2. 12 million copies in 12 weeks. That's.

Projektitachi (20:00.45)
into production.

Projektitachi (20:09.528)
Yep. It's a million. Yeah. Yeah.

Warnurse (20:13.05)
And solid game, dude. This is just make fun games. That's all it is, man. Make fun games without any agendas. Just make a fun game.

Projektitachi (20:20.93)
Yeah, that's all that's all most gamers want just a fun game good story a game that works

Warnurse (20:27.264)
A game that works is nice. I remember when games used to not work on release back in the day. was more like them not working was more like there was glitches you could exploit for fun. But now when a game doesn't work, it doesn't work and there's not any glitches to exploit as much. Like it's just broken. And then it's like five DLCs later, the game might be complete. I just described Destiny 2.

Projektitachi (20:29.187)

Projektitachi (20:39.448)

Projektitachi (20:44.994)
Yeah, it just literally doesn't function.

Projektitachi (20:52.695)
Yeah you did.

Warnurse (20:54.434)
What's next on the the old agenda today?

Projektitachi (20:56.632)
Well, there's another movie that they announced, and this was not on my bingo card, but Horizon. Is getting a movie. Yep. They're getting a movie movie. Yep.

Warnurse (21:02.188)
Like, like the video game horizon is getting a movie movie. That's actually going to be cool. That's going to be really cool, man. That whole game is cool. I know the second one didn't get as much love, which I disagree. Do you hate lore? I'm sorry. Like the lore in that game was pretty fun.

Projektitachi (21:23.842)
The the horizon story, the horizon world is very immersive. I love the lore. It's well thought out. Everyone's it. They the second one suffered from what we talked about a couple of weeks ago was more people carry cared about how Aloy looked. So a lot of people were like fixing. They were like, my gosh, why did you make Aloy ugly? And that's what everyone got stuck on. So the game.

didn't do as well because Aloy's appearance got changed. Now to be fair, the devs going out of their way to say they intentionally made her less beautiful for XYZ reasons didn't help.

Warnurse (22:09.866)
You know what? I honestly forgot about that. Like it's been a while. I kind of forgot about that because and honestly it's because when I play games, like I don't, I kind of, I don't give a shit. Like I just, I just want to play the game. Like I want to, is it fun? Is it lore intensive? Do I enjoy the gameplay? And then maybe stuff like that sometimes bothers me. I can understand why it might bother some people, I guess, but for the most part, I just, I know I just want to play a fun game, man.

Projektitachi (22:15.811)

Projektitachi (22:20.024)
Yeah, we don't really care.

Warnurse (22:37.166)
And I enjoyed it. It was a fun game. And the lore is pretty sick.

Projektitachi (22:41.806)
So they are gonna have a movie, but there's not a lot of information on it. We don't know.

Warnurse (22:46.604)
OK, so it's kind of just like we're having a movie and then that's it, not even like a production date.

Projektitachi (22:49.858)

Yeah, and if I were them, I would keep it on the hush I would let people forget because once the casting drops, you already know.

Warnurse (23:03.468)
I think the best thing to do with game and anime live actions is first of all, don't make anime live actions. I think One Piece did okay with Oda on board, but otherwise like it just doesn't not really. Anyways, but the games being made in live action, the best thing to do is to say nothing and then all like don't build it up for six months and be like,

You know what mean? Like they hype it up, right? And then you go see it and then you give people time to pick shit apart and whine and complain, say nothing, and then just fucking randomly release the movie. And then people like, shit, because what's going to happen? It's going to surprise everyone. And that is the hype. You're like, I'm sorry. What? And then everyone rushes to go see it. That's what I think. That's what I would do.

Projektitachi (23:42.105)

Projektitachi (23:57.528)
Yep. Yeah. Yeah. And the problem is too that.

Warnurse (24:02.816)
if I was a Hollywood director.

Projektitachi (24:05.782)
Marketing marketing got put on such a high pedestal across all medias. That's like 90 % of the budget for everything.

Warnurse (24:14.286)
marketing got so obnoxious dude and I think Disney and Sony are the most obnoxious about it. Somehow Sony like makes they've been making the shittiest movies with the most marketing. What was the one that just did because Madam Web that one was horrible. That one did

Projektitachi (24:41.787)

Warnurse (24:43.086)
poorly. Yeah, I was actually surprised because I like like the preview did look kind of cool, but I don't I'm I wonder what it suffered from. I think you was telling me he's like, yeah, the entire like the trailer was the movie and like in the movie, everything else was dialogue. Like he said, that's basically what it was.

Projektitachi (25:04.536)
Wow. So they showed you all the action that was actually in the movie.

Warnurse (25:07.79)
That's what he said basically more or less and then people were like what the hell is this?

Projektitachi (25:14.372)
What? don't-

Warnurse (25:14.936)
But also like it's tricky because Deadpool is a Disney movie, but it got away with already not more. It was not a Disney movie to begin with. Got a huge following and then Disney was like, okay, we can we will run with this. And it was already popular. They could get away with things and it was done the right way. But to make a Disney Marvel movie rated R with that much blood and stuff, I think that's a tricky area because that's a new area for Disney.

Projektitachi (25:30.946)

Warnurse (25:44.588)
You know what mean? Like they only recently started being like, all right, let's add a bunch of horror and blood and psycho shit and then put it on Disney plus. But I hope your kids don't see it. Like I just Disney is crazy right now.

Projektitachi (26:00.236)
They're trying to be the end all be hall like it was like comedy skits were pointing out like Disney just taking over all of mainstream media

Warnurse (26:07.63)
tired of them.

Disney Plus does nothing for me. I just, I don't know.

Projektitachi (26:16.246)
After they started butchering Star Wars, I keep it mainly for X-Men and the good Star Wars.

Warnurse (26:26.946)
The X-Men, the X-Men, the X-Men was good. They killed that. They got rid of some people's nice, you know what, their butts. They changed them. They flattened them. They gave them the main, what's the flat, the gavel, the gavel? They gaveled them.

Projektitachi (26:34.02)
Now, here's the thing. I have an issue and if we... You're really traumatized by this.

Projektitachi (26:48.834)
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, have a question. And for anyone who listens overseas, maybe I've been misunderstanding it and I just read it wrong. But why? So apparently in other countries, bleach is on Disney Plus. And so are some of the other enemies. They're all in Disney Plus.

Warnurse (26:51.298)
Gabble ass. That's what they... Gabble ass.

Projektitachi (27:19.522)
Why here in the US where Disney was born, we have it split between two services?

Warnurse (27:30.658)
because over here we have to work twice as much for the same shit.

Projektitachi (27:38.606)
Cause that drove me insane because

Warnurse (27:39.49)
Because that's that's capitalism. That's that's consumerism like fuck you pay like that's. The tier system has ruined streaming. Like honestly, just give me cable back. Let me doom scroll the let me go back to the original doom scroll going through the guide until I find something that looks good enough. And then fall asleep during commercials like.

Projektitachi (27:45.86)
It takes me off because...

It really has. We're literally back a cable. It's cable.

Projektitachi (27:58.51)


Cause that drives me insane. Every time I would read an article and then people are like, yeah, you know, they were watching bleach on Disney plus. And I'm like, you were watching bleach where? I had to get Hulu. I had to get Hulu to watch bleach.

Warnurse (28:18.338)
You know, that's another thing is I've noticed, if you do not get crunchy roll through another app, get crunchy roll separately. If you get crunchy roll through Hulu or Amazon or whatever, you're going to be missing shit because I don't know what's going on there, but obviously something's happening and they're purposely not giving you all of crunchy roll. And I don't even know if it's illegal, dude, to be honest.

Projektitachi (28:28.47)
No. Yeah. Yeah.

Projektitachi (28:35.428)

Warnurse (28:48.108)
And I noticed it with Hulu. Hulu and Disney Plus are supposed to go together, but you'll, you'll have shit on Hulu that should be on Disney and other people will have on Disney and other countries, but it's on Hulu here and then vice versa the other way. And they will promote stuff as if they have it on certain tiers. And then when you get that tier, right, it's not there, but I noticed it with Funimation back when Funimation was around.

and crunchy roll. I tried it out. was like, I wonder if, know, it's it seemed it looked like you'd save money. And I'm like, well, maybe it looks that way because you're not getting half the fucking animes. So I don't do that. My priority streaming app is crunchy roll. And then everything else is crunchy roll, high dive, and everyone else has to fight for spot three.

Projektitachi (29:27.736)

Projektitachi (29:42.692)
That's kind of where I'm at. Crunchyroll is my main. will, I'll croak before I give up Crunchyroll.

Warnurse (29:50.614)
I want to bring celebrity death match back. I would love if a creator out there would make celebrity death match on YouTube and like declamation, but like modernize it. And I want to see just Netflix and Amazon or Netflix and Disney in the same ring, just beating the shit out of each other. And then like Amazon comes in with the Amazon has a chair and like he just comes in and fucking like stabs.

Projektitachi (30:10.55)
Unfortunately, Disney would.

Projektitachi (30:14.894)

Warnurse (30:18.594)
Disney through the chest and Disney's like, shit. And then like, I don't, I don't fucking know. And then whatever Netflix is like, want all of them to go down, but I want someone to get hit with a chair.

Projektitachi (30:26.072)
I think for some, so obviously you want Disney to go down.

Yeah, I'm not going to lie. It's really frustrating, especially as an anime watcher, having my favorite stuff split up among like seven different platforms. And it's really annoying. And I'm just like, and you know, it's never going to change unless all the other companies somehow collapse and there's only only one. Now, the only bundle I'm doing right now and it's kind of been worth it for now until they change it again is.

Warnurse (30:41.262)
Yeah, that's pretty stupid.

Projektitachi (31:02.434)
I get Hulu, Disney, and Max all together.

So until they change it, and by change it I mean when they raise the price again and don't grandfather anyone, that was the only reason I have them.

Warnurse (31:19.48)
Max gets on my own because of all, before streaming got huge, Kind of back in the day, always, of all the, I guess, it's like studios or companies, production, studios, whatever, I liked the most was HBO. I liked HBO because the shows they put out were typically really good. Like they almost never missed. And then, know,

There was what the wire back in the day and then Game of Thrones, soprano, all these really good shows. And then when streaming services came out, there was that bullshit with like HBO and then there was HBO Max and then there was Max. You know what I mean? Like they kept and then Warner Brothers kept fucking around and like shop and block stuff. And that stuff started like pissing me off.

Projektitachi (31:46.574)
mergers and, yeah.

Projektitachi (32:05.194)
Once Warner Brothers got involved. Yeah.

Projektitachi (32:11.16)
Yeah. Well, that's that's the name of the game and business mergers, buyouts, layoffs at all. It all it all creates a problem. But let us know what you guys think. Are you looking forward to some of these animes, movies that are coming down in the near future? And also in case you guys don't know, you can submit your thoughts on our website.

Warnurse (32:15.598)
I hate them. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

Projektitachi (32:41.112)
I always say, you know, tell us on the website, but you can submit a voice clip that we might play in a future episode sharing your thoughts. We are going to vet them before we play them because I know some of you guys.

Warnurse (32:51.726)
I would honestly, I would love to not vet them and then like I play one and it's someone just saying shitty things to me. I'm okay with it.

Projektitachi (32:58.82)
I don't want to get canceled. I don't want to get canceled. Think of our sponsors.

Warnurse (33:05.194)
Yeah, they might bring a race in for you, but I'm good. We'll vet yours.

Projektitachi (33:07.692)
Yeah. Yeah, we got it. Yeah, we got about it. But anyway, you guys can go to the website, and then the lower right hand corner, there's a little microphone you guys can click to upload, upload the voice clips that you can submit to the show that we are going to vet before we play them on the air.

Warnurse (33:16.898)
I'll drink milk too, while they're saying what they say.

Warnurse (33:30.424)
vet this.

Projektitachi (33:32.068)
Just drink your milk, Drink your milk. Ghost peppers, beef jerky. But anyway, thank you guys so much for tuning in. Take care of yourself and each other, and we'll catch all you wonderful people on the next podcast. Later.

Warnurse (33:34.714)
god, that got warm.

Warnurse (33:45.816)