Summary In this episode, Projektitachi and Warnurse discuss the recent news of Sony's potential acquisition of Kadokawa Productions, a major player in the anime and gaming industry. They explore the implications of this acqui...
Summary Sony's announcement of the PS5 Pro has raised concerns and disappointment among gamers. The podcast hosts discuss the questionable decisions made by Sony, including the lack of a disc drive and the absence of a stand ...
Metal Gear singer/voice actress Donna Burke, is known for her work in video games and as the English announcing voice on the Shinkansen bullet train. Now she joins the GZ Chop Shop podcast in an unforgettable interview that discusses her …
In this episode, the hosts discuss Microsoft's recent studio closures and the impact of their acquisition of Bethesda. They express their concerns about Microsoft's trend of shutting down studios and prioritizing Game Pass over game development. They also criticized Sony's …
In this episode, Projektitachi and Warnurse discuss the impending TikTok ban and the government's concerns about data privacy and national security. They highlight the hypocrisy of the government's actions and the lack of pro...
Microsoft is causing waves through its Xbox community again with its recent term changes on OCT 1st stating that starting in Jan 2024 game captures uploaded to their servers will start being deleted after 90 days. While it ma...