It's no secret that in May #Microsoft shut down many gaming studios. Something we said would happen over a year ago in a previous episode. We knew that gamers would be the ones footing the bill for all of their major acquisitions and despite fans being adamant on #Xbox never…
We all thought that Mohg and Morgott were an evil pain when we played Elden Ring. Morgott wanted to protect his home and Mohg was enchanted to be a sacrifice to Miquella's plan. #EldenRing #ShadowoftheErdTree #Malenia #EldenLord #FromSoft # FromSoftWare #DLC #DarkSouls
In the expanding world of gaming and technology, being an eSports player is no longer just a childish dream but a real career path. Schools are implementing coaches and fully stocked rooms for practice as the allure and potential for eSports continue to overtake even mainstream sports in viewership. Check…
Did you catch this huge bit of lore in the endgame? Malenia knew all along. #EldenRing #ShadowoftheErdTree #Malenia #EldenLord #FromSoft # FromSoftWare #DLC #DarkSouls
The downside of Game Pass is starting to rear its ugly head at the expense of its fanbase. What can Microsoft do to regain its playbase faith?
Chatting with Donna Burke was a real treat as we discussed making the most out of opportunities, starting a career in new lands, and becoming an icon to gamers everywhere. via - GZ Chop Shop
Fighting games became a niche genre for the longest time, especially in America. Gone were the days of packed fighters and tons of weekend tournaments. But now with everyone suffering from battle royale exhaustion gamers are looking back to fighters for their PvP fix and the last couple of years…
What is the future of gaming with $100+ versions of games giving so much less than companies have for years before? What do you think of the state of gaming today? Is it better? Worst? Or does it even matter? #MKY1 #MK #mortalkombat #DLC #moderngaming #PC #playstation #microsoft
The introduction of Xbox GamePass brought something exciting to the gaming industry with day-one releases available to all game pass owners. While at the time an innovative idea it has not been without its long-term shortcomings as Microsoft has leaned hard into the subscription-based model and now it's finally rearing…
Was Godfrey already aware of Marika's true goal when he was forced to return to face us? Was the first Elden lord testing us?
What did famous singer Donna Burke do during COVID-19? She talks with the GZ Chop Shop about her time in quarantine, moving to Japan for a fresh start, and becoming a famous voice to gamers worldwide. Listen to the full GZ Chop Shop podcast episode on your favorite platform.
Miquella's good intentions are a path stained in blood. Were we also part of his master plan all along without realizing it? #EldenRing #ShadowoftheErdTree #Malenia #EldenLord #FromSoft # FromSoftWare #DLC #DarkSouls
As gaming continues to grow and reach more people so too does the greed of investors and studios under the guise of "a better gaming experience" Does anyone else remember the days when unlocking a new character in a fighting game was earned and cost you nothing but your time…
Donna Burke shares with us what it's like engaging with her fans...good and bad.
Hello Games has been working hard over the last 8 years to make No Man's Sky the phenomenal game that it is now. Hardly recognizable to its 2016 version the game is now full of life, events, and features that we all expected before but didn't receive. However Hello Games…
Sometimes we create our problems and then studios like #Fromsoftware set out to set us straight with patches that nerf the metas and tweaks that make that one boss you called "easy" turn you inside out once again lol. #gaming #PS5 #Xbox #Sony #Microsoft #esports #gamingcommunity #gamingnews #gamingcontent #developernews #gamingindustry…
We all thought that Mohg and Morgott were an evil pain when we played Elden Ring. Morgott wanted to protect his home and Mohg was enchanted to be a sacrifice to Miquella's plan. #EldenRing #ShadowoftheErdTree #Malenia #EldenLord #FromSoft # FromSoftWare #DLC #DarkSouls
In the expanding world of gaming and technology, being an eSports player is no longer just a childish dream but a real career path. Schools are implementing coaches and fully stocked rooms for practice as the allure and potential for eSports continue to overtake even mainstream sports in viewership. Check…
Did you catch this huge bit of lore in the endgame? Malenia knew all along. #EldenRing #ShadowoftheErdTree #Malenia #EldenLord #FromSoft # FromSoftWare #DLC #DarkSouls
Don't get me wrong I love Mortal Kombat and have since the 90s, but this is getting ridiculous, and charging a full game price for an add-on that won't even equal the scale of other DLC in terms of replayability and scope for MORE? The math just is not adding…
Chatting with Donna Burke was a real treat as we discussed making the most out of opportunities, starting a career in new lands, and becoming an icon to gamers everywhere. via - GZ Chop Shop
In this episode, Projektitachi and Daniel discuss the high prices of DLCs in video games, specifically focusing on the recently announced DLC for Mortal Kombat 1. They express their frustration with the $49.99 and $59.99 price tags for the DLC, which they believe is excessive and unfair to players who…
As a tarnished we forget that we may have distant familial ties to the royal family through Godfrey also making us part of the most messed up family in gaming history. But that's just our theory.